Tag Archives: ice

The Slow-mo Snow Melt

We have had record-setting weather this winter, but the cold temperatures might finally be coming to an end. The ice queen is holding out during the warm-up, but she seems to be getting with the ice-loss program this week. I was able to resume my longer walk route on Monday and Tuesday, when it was […]


From polar vortex to ice storm. This winter is definitely packing a punch. My frosted windows melted away on Friday and my car started without a hitch. This weekend most of the ice and snow also melted away in above 40-degree Fahrenheit temperatures. This cheerful snowman had a very short life. But our brief time […]

Polar Vortex

I am hunkering down for the polar vortex today. It is interesting how weather events can be very distracting. I was already planning a work from home week (rather than visiting a cafe or finding outside excursions), but when the weather dictates your schedule, it gets distracting. The temperature flux this week also requires extra […]

The Ice Queen visits again

January started off mild, but now we are getting the brunt of winter. A first blanket of snow appeared January 12. By mid-week the temperatures had become frostier, and the Lake had a visit from the Ice Queen. I enjoyed the stroll, although fingers get frosty by the lake when the wind is whipping. The […]

Waiting for blooms

“Always winter but never Christmas.” ~ C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Spring is teasing us this year, which is getting a bit old by now. I can see why several stories are obsessed with ice queens and white witches, because it does seem like winter will never end right now.  Lake Michigan is […]


Here’s to the last hurrah of our snow fest this month. A few weeks ago Lake Michigan was splashing chilly waves all over the place. It made beautiful iciclescapes. Then came a dump of 12 inches over the weekend. Officially we got 6 on the biggest day, but it looks like more to me. Dutchies, […]

Frozen January

This January feels stalled. I am not accomplishing what I thought I would, partially because of where my family focus has been. I had a laundry list of things I wanted to work on since December 15, but am finding that January is breezing by. So when I returned from Houston I decided to let […]


It got frosty again last weekend. In spite of the freeze, the skies are gorgeous. Old snow got shoveled and turned into its own sculpture. Hibernating included having lovely icescapes on the windows. It’s neat to see what the combination of heaters and ice create. My original angel perused the winter wonderland. Another load of […]

The Ice Queen visits

My energy is coming back and some good things have been kicked off, but I still need to ease into a normal routine. The Ice Queen paid a visit this weekend and left some lovely art behind. There is much beauty in this wintry scenery, though staying out very long is not an option. I’m […]

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