Your resident editor: Passionate about words, stickler for spelling and grammar, avid reader and writer. 

Maike van Wijk has written, edited and proofread for independently owned businesses, global corporations, and nonprofits. She enjoys condensing information with feedback from subject matter experts and re-packaging the content for different media.

Her sweet spot is tightening up wordy paragraphs and researching tidbits to add context to a topic.

As a corporate proposal manager, she worked with graphic design teams to develop infographics, timelines and presentations; making sure business development documents went out typo-free. 

She loves elevating independent businesses and artists with her editing and writing skills.

Maike enjoys research and fact-checking, particularly historic, business, and artistic topics. Her analytical mind has been engaged on data scrubbing and content library update projects.

While studying for her BA in Journalism, AP Style was drilled into Maike and she learned to condense words to fit onto (print) newspaper columns. Throughout her career, she became the go-to proofreader for her work teams, from the last person to review newspapers to signing off on e-newsletters, business documents, and corporate proposals.

Maike is Dutch born with roots in Germany, which has deepened her love for how different cultures express themselves. 

When not reading or typing away on her personal project, she enjoys strolling by Lake Michigan or taking advantage of nearby hiking trails. 


It has been my pleasure to work with Maike at two separate firms. Her ability to focus on client needs while crafting a solution is greatly enhanced by her understanding of the global needs of multinational firms. Strategic solutions coupled with a cogent worldview is her hallmark. – Tim

Maike is a people manager with a keen focus on project management and strategic thinking. As my unofficial mentor she reached out to me and taught me the skills to lead and manage RFPs (having no experience) while working remotely over the course of three years. Under stressful situations her positive attitude was key while working with domestic and international teams. She has many talents including writing, project management, strategy development and creative reasoning. Due to her international mindset and experience Maike is a natural at building short-term and long-term relationships. She is an asset to any company and to her work colleagues as well. I hope I have the pleasure of working with her again in the future. – Georgette 

I have had the pleasure of working on the same team as Maike. I have also had numerous opportunities to work on projects with Maike, and I can confidently say that her work ethic, project management and knowledge of the industry are top notch.
Maike is a true team player that is always there to offer support, guidance and creative and strategic input. She is respected among the most senior members of our firm as a “go-to” team player and business development/ marketing expert. Her global experience makes her an integral part of our team and firm as a whole. – Katie