Tag Archives: nature photography

A Historic Brood

It’s been a busy summer researching some passion projects and rehoming myself after a few years of caregiving flux. In June two broods of periodical cicadas descended upon Illinois, and I fully expected them to land on my back porch like the annuals do. However, South Evanston was spared and I had to drive to find […]

Frosty beginnings

The new year is off to a frosty start with the ice queen paying a visit again. Her crown is a bit different this year, but still gorgeous. I watched Frozen for the first time over Christmas, and then read the orginal Snow Queen fairy tale. In the real world we are facing crunchy ice-capades […]

Could it be Spring?

Could it be? Did Winter finally get the memo to make way for Spring? I saw buds pop up last week only to be covered by snow. But now the majority of ice blobs have melted, and these sprouts just might have a chance! There are still remnants of ice. This was February 22. And […]

A Falcon’s Visit

The Evanston Public Library is the host to a pair of Peregrine Falcons each year, which means sighting them isn’t a big surprise. However, having one right outside your window and watching it devour a pigeon is quite the thrilling distraction from other chores. I had to ship an order so I reluctantly went out […]

Thanksgiving Reflections

10 things I am grateful for this year: 1. The deepening of relationships and appreciating each person in my life for their unique qualities 2. Embracing opportunities instead of shying away from them 3. Seeing myself through other people’s eyes and liking their reflection of me 4. Being encouraged to challenge myself and enjoying the […]

Bumbling Along Matthiessen State Park Trails

In mid-July I took an excursion to Utica to clear my head and ground myself in nature. My favorite park in the Starved Rock Area is Matthiessen State Park. For a while it was a well-kept secret, with most tourists favoring Starved Rock Park. Unfortunately (for me) it has gotten more popular over the years, […]

Other people’s gardens

Normally this time of the year I have plenty of butterfly snapshots, but they’ve been scarce thus far. I am pleased to see monarchs fluttering about, the cabbage whites are becoming more visible, and I’ve spotted a few admirals, but not as plentiful as seasons past. Those I do see are either too fast or […]

Overcast Waterfall Glen

Last week I defied the weather forecasts and drove up to Lemont determined to revisit Waterfall Glen. Fortunately the rain subsided on the way there and the predicted Thunderstorms passed us by. (Warning: slugs and millipedes in this post-if you don’t like them, don’t scroll down) The droplets were gorgeous. Nature always has a way […]

Life is Blossoming

So yeah, I’m the eccentric woman crouching in front of other people’s gardens these days. Only my photo time stamp tells me I do this for 40 minutes or so. Ooops. To me it feels like I only spend ten minutes snapping pretty petals. Oh well, call me crazy, but seeing these blooms fills my […]

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