Tag Archives: drawing

Drawing Birds

“Drawing is a lot about trusting your instincts.” ~ Lauren Levato Coyne of Sidetracked Studio Drawing creatures is fun. Ever since daring to stretch my comfort zone with a drawing class, I keep getting lured in to the occasional workshop. Next month Lauren Levato Coyne will host a butterfly drawing workshop. The bird drawing workshop […]

Moths and Moon Flowers at the Field Museum

Last month I took Lauren Levato’s second workshop: “Moths and Moon Flowers.”We ended it at the Field Museum, which was a blast. This time, we were treated to a field trip within the museum to visit a live Peregrine Falcon, Molly, who was there to educate a group of Audubon Society members. She was surrounded […]

Insects at the Field Museum

photo copyright Maike's Marvels

Our drawing ‘final’ was a day in the Zoology Department at the Field Museum of Natural History. We were greeted by Entomology Collections Manager James Boone, who is featured in this lovely video. We spent two hours just oohing and aahing over the drawers we were given access to, and took many photo records. Luna […]

I can draw!

photo copyright Maike's Marvels

“I am a firm believer in drawing as a way of understanding the world. Drawing is thinking.” ~ Milton Glaser Over the past month I’ve been taking Lauren Levato‘s Botanical, Butterflies and Beetles drawing workshop. You may have noticed that although I took a drawing class in February last year, no drawings have emerged since […]

A studio visit with Lauren Levato

“This Saturday, 14 unsuspecting souls will be coming to visit my studio …dunh, dunh, duuuuunnnnnhhhhhh!” ~ Lauren Levato   This was the warning posted on Lauren Levato’s Facebook page, incidentally the  day after my sister-in-law announced it was Health Care Decisions day and urged everyone to get their living will in order. Now if I […]

Digital Art Demonstration

In this digital age, we praise the tools new gadgets provide us with and the efficiency they generate, but we also lament the projected demise of non-digital methods and the tactile experience they hold for us. Some even presume that our reliance on modern technology makes us ‘lazy’ and keeps us from learning the skills […]

Drawing out

My last formal art class was in 1989. I got a stingy B+ on a sculpting project, which I knew I was actually really good at, but drawing and painting grades went downhill from there. In those classes we were assigned topics such as ‘draw a house with a certain painting technique’ or ‘work on […]

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