first flurries

December 1 came with our first snow flurries.  Winter has officially arrived. The skating rinks are open and the Christmas lights are spreading in the neighborhoods. It makes me want to bake cookies and eat sweets all day long.  Instead I’m creating my own flurries with punches and UTEE. While the insides of […]


It’s getting darker much earlier now which is throwing off my body clock. The dipping temperatures also mark the coming of winter. It was too chilly for my neighborhood walk this weekend. ☹ So you’ll see more inside photos over the winter season, and possibly some retrospectives. This week, I’m busy giving thanks for the […]


“To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts unexpressed That can make this life a garden” ~ attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I’ve always considered myself a loner. I was a wallflower during my school years, with my brother my closest friend […]

Trick or Treat, or both?

I must say I don’t wait for Halloween to treat myself. I’ll accept or acquire a piece of chocolate year-round! It seems this week I’m navigating some trickiness though, with all the books I’m reading from the library. Preparing for the business end of a crafty venture with all its caveats can be creepy. Knowing […]

Happy Birthday Suze!

In 2007 I took a class that changed my life-although I didn’t know it at the time. Suze Weinberg introduced me to UTEE, and a whole new world of crafting opened up to me. Today is Suze’s birthday, but if you read her blog you’d think every day is her birthday. If anyone knows joie […]


I heart Fall The weather has been amazing the past two weekends, and so has the progression of colors and tree-phases. The golden glow From green to yellow to red … to baring it all While there is a long process leading up to this transition, sometimes it can all occur within a week. (the […]


As a child, you can’t wait to be a grown up—like your parents Then you decide you don’t want to be ANYTHING like your parents at all. But today I realized my parents’ hobbies do influence mine (whaaat!?). 😉 They become inspiration … and synergies are born One man’s discards become a new recipient’s treasured […]

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