Daily Walks

My hands are busy making bees and my brain is busy processing research, but I also aim to take daily walks as the weather allows. Here are some snapshots of the recent beauty in my neighborhood. I don’t get beach tokens, but sometimes I am tempted to take a day at the beach. Picnic tables […]

A Beehive for Ice House Gallery

Artists who work with encaustics are naturally bee lovers as well, and I have often toyed with the idea of a beehive. My friend Bridgette Guerzon Mills made a gorgeous hive for an outdoor art installation, which I find very inspiring. I started making bees last year and really enjoy the design I came up with. […]

Making Flora

It’s been a busy month that broke my routine a little bit, and I just realized that maybe I should promote my upcoming show! The Flora, Fauna & Fascination Opening Reception is on Saturday, September 7 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 609 South Boulevard, Evanston, Illinois 60202. Hosted by Ice House Gallery Evanston, Flora, […]

SwirlyWhirls Necklace NTaJ! Challenge

Every Month Brenda Schweder of Now That’s a Jig! proposes a challenge to her JigUFacturers on Facebook. For August 2019 the challenge is: Media Inspiration #mediablitzntajchallenge “Pick a visual from a magazine, book or online source (i.e. Pinterest, Insta) and create a piece that captures that look, theme, or feeling!” I went to my favorite […]

Evanston’s Toby Jug Museum

Since I’ve lived here I have passed the Toby Jug Museum numerous times. It always looks closed, but the hours are posted on the door and you can just ring the bell to be let in. The American Toby Jug Museum in Evanston houses more than 8000 Toby and Character jugs.  It is the largest […]

Evanston Sidewalk Sale Pods

We had a heat wave in Evanston Friday and Saturday. After the ever-lasting winter, I am not complaining. My one A/C unit is in the studio, so I set it up and when the ceiling fans could do no more I cleared off the futon to set up my computer station. Of course I got […]

Finding Waldo on Main

With July comes a fun scavenger hunt for kids. Both Downtown Evanston and the Main-Dempster Mile have been invaded by small Waldos. Participants can pick up passports from various business, and then hunt for Waldo in local shops. Waldo has different names in different countries, and is a line drawn character children can search for […]

Chicago Artisan Market July 21

I am gearing up for another market this weekend. On Sunday, July 21 from 10 am to 4 pm, I will be at the Chicago Artisan Market.  This curated market celebrates the ingenuity of independent, small businesses who channel their passions into creating one-of-a-kind products. Meet and shop with the artisans and learn how they […]

Habitats and waystations

The Independence Day blog post I am working on keeps enraging me, so it will have to wait, and instead I am going to share my recharge sources. Lately the weather has been great for daily walks, so I walk my standard route to the lakefront and enjoy the flora along the way. Evanston is […]

Upcycled Jewelry Commission

At a recent Artem Pup Up Gallery visit one of the sales clerks asked me to turn a bracelet into a necklace for her. The elastic had worn out, making the bracelet unwearable. I was intrigued by the shapes. We discussed the length she was envisioning and settled on a choker style. During another visit […]

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