Search Results for: drawing

Perusing “Prints and the Pursuit of Knowledge”

Lately printmaking has been a theme in my life. I’ve become more aware of local print shops, there is a pop-up downtown I need to visit, and I am thinking more about impressions and linocutting in my own work. So when I saw that the Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art had an exhibit […]

Art Share February

Saturday was a lovely day. The sun was out, I did some reading about artists, and then stepped out for a journal-making demo. It was surprisingly simple, but I am holding off on supplies until I take a bookbinding class later this spring. Being in a crafty mood, I perused Tom Thumb where I had such […]

opening buzz

I’m on a bit of a high as I write this post. Apparently seeing your work hung among other very talented artists by a professional curator raises a boat load of endorphins. Maybe there should be an after-party for gallery openings. I’m so giddy! Sunday was a lovely sunshiny day and I walked to the garage […]

My favorite card-making books

You night recall my stamp inventorying last spring. I sent off some copyright protected stamps to friends for their families to use. One asked for project suggestions for the summer, so I sent along a list of my favorite stamp books. If your resolution is to make more cards, write more cards, be more crafty […]

Wrapping up the year

Everyone is meant  to fulfill their destiny on earth  in their own unique way I haven’t been able to keep up with Radvent in real time, but the posts address things I have thought through as I did write my responses. I also have touched upon some of these topics in my own musings over […]

Radvent: Wrapping

“If you look deep within, you will find a brilliant light. Too many, far too many, squint and turn away from the shine. Let your eyes adjust, and bathe in the radiance.” ~ unattributed Wow, after posting my “unwrapped” blog about Style, the Radvent I caught up on was Wrapping. It asks how you present […]

Radvent: Comfort and a comfortable studio tour

Radvent Comfort by Princess Lasertron

“I love geeking out on art while drinking wine.” ~ Jennifer Yang, Meetup organizer On December 2 I visited a painting and sculpting studio with a local Meetup group. I first met this lovely group at the Ravenswood Art Walk. Vitruvian Art Studio offers drawing, painting, sculpture and anatomy classes. It took me a while […]

Radvent: a breather to get Started

Radvent Starting by Princess Lasertron

Today I am planning on working with Princess Lasertron’s “how to get started” prompts to get my 2012 goals fleshed out. Identifying my mission to “begin to be the person you want to be today” is a daunting task, so these 6 tips will help me move it along. Image re-blogged with permission from Princess […]

A butterfly scientist and mesmerizing Monarchs

Engraving of a Anna Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) portrait by her son-in-law Georg Gsell (from Chrysalis)

“Just living is not enough, said the butterfly.  One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” ~ Hans Christian Andersen  By now you know I am fascinated by butterflies. Their magical lifecycle and the transformation they symbolize have mesmerized people for ages. I can’t help but hold my breath when one flutters by me, […]


Today was a lovely day, even though we had torrents of rain pouring down. I attended a NAWBO event that included an open house for a spa (my hands are nicely moisturized and massaged) and some yummy cupcakes. The best part was that I came away feeling supported. Networking is not my forte (it can […]

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