Monthly Archives: February 2015

A Falcon’s Visit

The Evanston Public Library is the host to a pair of Peregrine Falcons each year, which means sighting them isn’t a big surprise. However, having one right outside your window and watching it devour a pigeon is quite the thrilling distraction from other chores. I had to ship an order so I reluctantly went out […]

Artists Challenge

Last month a Facebook Artists’ Challenge made its rounds and it was an interesting way to narrow down my art into categories. I posted hearts on day one since Valentine’s Day was nigh. For that day I nominated Lisa Wilson of Being Breath, an artist and life-balancer I met during Shawna Moore’s encaustic workshop. With […]


It’s Valentine’s Day week. Hearts are everywhere, roses abound, chocolate is allowed, and romantic getaways are promoted. Love is grand for those who have found it, and I enjoy observing the couples who are truly meant for each other. Yet many of us don’t get to plan a night out for two. We’re busy living […]

Etsy Refresh

Valentine’s Day is coming up so it is time to review my jewelry inventory. With 238 pieces of jewelry in stock that is more time consuming than anticipated. I’m pleased to see that only one pendant has gone missing after packing and repacking items for multiple locations at least 10 times this past year. Deleting […]

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